Key Dates
Dear Colleagues,
It is our pleasure to invite you to take part in The 15th International Meeting on Ferroelctricity, which will be held on March 26-30, 2023, at the Dan Panorama Hotel, Tel Aviv, Israel.
The International Meeting on Ferroelectricity (IMF) is the longest-running home for the vibrant research community of ferroelectricity. The IMF covers the broad field of ferroelectricity from basics and theory through material behavior, and processing to applications. With the rapid pace of outstanding discoveries and world-changing inventions, it is hard to believe that the first IMF was in 1966.
IMF2023 brings together researchers like you. It is the ideal platform to present your work and to get tuned to your peers’ latest achievements.
IMF2023 will be held in Israel, near the sandy beaches of Tel Aviv. Participants from ALL of the world are welcome. In addition to taking part in the high-level technical program with prominent presenters, you may consider exploring during your visit some historical places, Middle-East culture, inter-continental geography and cuisine as well as to experience some of the start-up-nation spirit. We are confident that these all will help make IMF2023 an unforgettable event. We are looking towards seeing you to be part of the IMF2023 success.
Yachin Ivry